Listening to the Past and Canada's Recorded Sound

A few months ago we discovered that Library and Archives Canada has a great site all about the history of recorded sound in Canada. It has pages on the creation of a Canadian recording industry and the Quebec music scene from 1915-1920, which sheds some light on the first years that Canadians were exposed to recorded music on a large scale. It’s a bit jumbled, but there are some really great stories hidden in its pages.

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Education and Public Service: The CBC as a National Broadcaster

In recent years the future of Canada's public broadcaster, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, has been in doubt. The current Conservative government is no fan of the CBC and many times since they took power in 2006 they implied that the country would be better off without the CBC. They believe it has a left-wing bias that naturally slants their coverage against the right-wing Conservative movement. Recently, it's been suggested that the CBC switch to a purely online format ala Netflix as a means of securing its survival. How do such present concerns reflect on the origins of Canada's public radio?

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Nielsen to Netflix and Radio to Digital

 Over the last year Netflix stock has excelled both literally and figuratively. More and more North Americans are using the online streaming service to watch TV shows, movies and documentaries. The capability to “binge” on a show, where you watch many episodes in one viewing, is more entertaining than having to wait week to week on network television. We know this because Netflix has detailed knowledge of its audience's viewing habits. The direct access to a consumer's behaviour has given Netflix the upper edge over traditional media outlets. They are able to shape their programming using massive amounts of data. It is dream that has been a chased for a long time in the world of media-providers, going all the way back to the age of radio.

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